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Transparency report 2021

Transparency report 2021

Grant Thornton, strictly maintaining its commitment to transparency, is publishing the Transparency Report yearly.

This report concerns the period 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021 and provides information on the legal structure and operations of our firm, corporate governance, systems of independence, quality control and training we have developed and implemented, as well as our financial performance and practices of corporate social responsibility followed by the firm.

Transparency in respect of audit firms is a key element underpinning the confidence of the world’s capital markets in the audit process, and Grant Thornton will continue to play its part in creating a more accountable and robust accounting profession.

The current Transparency Report is published as part of the extended transparency framework required under art. 62 of the Independence Financial Audit Act in compliance with Regulation (EU) 537/2014, Art. 13, regarding the statutory audit of public-interest entities.


Transparency report

Transparency report 2021

Read the Report