Silvia Dinova has 15 years experience in the field of financial audit and internal audit and control. She is a registered auditor at ICPA with Diploma No 737/2011. Silvia is a member of the Association of Chartered Accountants in the UK since 2010 and of the Institute of Internal Auditors in Bulgaria since 2014. Since 2016 Silvia has been a member of The Technical Expert Group to the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG TEG), which defends common European interests in the application of IFRS in the EU.
Silvia has been head of Audit Services at Grant Thornton OOD, Bulgaria since 2007. He has participated in international audits of other companies members of the international audit network of Grant Thornton International, including Russia, Ukraine, Egypt and others. It is committed to conducting internal and external training to maintain the qualifications of auditors, ISA trainings for highly specialized industries in areas such as financial services, manufacturing, energy, etc. and training on IFRS and NSS for methodologists and practitioners.
The activities performed by her are related to the direct participation, ongoing monitoring or subsequent monitoring of the execution of assurance engagements regarding financial statements or other financial information for enterprises and organizations of different complexity and different industries.