Business risk services
We provide the advice necessary to help you manage risk, realise opportunities and improve your business performance
Transaction advisory
In times of rapidly growing business integrity, companies are often looking for a complex solution to an upcoming change in structure.
Real estate advisory
Our Real Estate advisory team is multi-disciplinary with industry experience in residential and commercial development, real estate valuation and financing.
Regulatory reporting
Our audit and regulatory reporting process is more than compliance. It's a business improvement tool to identify and resolves critical issues to add value.
IFRS Reporting
Using IFRS can help increase the quality, comparability and transparency of your financial information.
Audit technology
A key element in our global audit methodology is the use of cutting-edge technology.
Audit methodology
Our audit methodology targets our audit efforts on those areas of your financial statements that represent the greatest risk.
Audit services
One of the key elements that contribute to the high quality of services we offer is the development of innovative technology and software programs.
Statutory bookkeeping and financial statements
Outsourcing your financial administration can be a move that has great benefits for you. It allows you to focus entirely on your core task and activities, while you know for sure that you are meeting legal and regulatory requirements in the most tax-efficient way. You can be assured that your administrative processes carry on, even in case of leaves, sick leaves or holidays.
We offer you access to our professional payroll specialists with years of international practice and extensive experience in applying all these requirements.
Personal Income Tax Compliance
We to what you want to achieve and help protect your wealth in the most tax-efficient way.
VAT Compliance
The VAT system in Bulgaria implies many challenges for tax optimisation, accompanied by a need to comply with Bulgarian and European indirect tax legislation.
Transfer pricing
Tax authorities around the world are increasingly focusing on pricing and transfer pricing policies implemented by multinational companies.
Corporate Income Tax Compliance
Minimising the risks of unfavorable outcome of tax audits as well as other administrative proceedings related to corporate taxes.
Public sector
The Public Sector Department is responsible for the preparation and implementation of all engagements related to auditing of the implementation of EU policies and spending of EU funds under the Operational programmes, PHARE, ISPA (including in the fields of agriculture, rural development, fisheries, environment, climate, health, food, transport, energy, public policy, regional and territorial development, social inclusion, tourism, financial instruments, public sector governance, fraud indicators detection, etc.), Bulgarian-Swiss Cooperation Programme, the EEA Grants and Norway Grants, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, projects financed with EBRD loans, etc.
Our experts possess a broad experience in the performance of audit services for providing reasonable assurance as to the effectiveness and efficiency of risk management, control and governance processes, and compliance with laws, policies and procedures at the State Institutions of the Republic of Bulgaria (Ministries and Municipalities) and some foreign embassies on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, certification audits, performance audits, compliance audits, etc.
Given the diverse nature and high complexity of public sector services, the experts of the department work closely with other departments at Grant Thornton Bulgaria.
Assurance services
The portfolio of the assurance services include the following:
- Auditing of projects financed by EU funds or other programmes (internal and external);
- Certification audits;
- Performance audits;
- Compliance audits;
- System audits;
- Verifications, etc.
Consulting services
The portfolio of the consulting services include the following:
- Legal analyzes;
- Assessments of the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of operations;
- Functional analyzes, etc.